
Emissions UI

Easy access to satellite-based emission data for everyone

The European Space Agency’s Sentinel-5P satellite is built to monitor air quality data (carbon hydroxide, sulfur monoxide, ozone, …). All data gathered are publicly available.

Emissions API’s mission is to provide easy access to this data without the need of being an expert in satellite data analysis and without having to process terabytes of data.

Achievements of climate goals are so far only verifiable for a very small group of people with specialized know-how. As a result, public discussion remains abstract and elusive for many people. Easy access to emissions data provides a more general audience with the opportunity to form a fact-based opinion. For example, one could evaluate the effectiveness of environmental regulations – such as diesel driving bans in inner cities or new sulfur limits in shipping–by comparing actual measurements from before and after on a map.

This is just an UI based on the data from the Emissions API showcasing different toxic products in the atmosphere and graphs showing daily average of emissions for countries. For more information, take a look at Emissions API - underlying core project.